Recommended Resources.

Some of my favorite and most recommended resources to equip you on your journey of recovery & healing. I receive no commission or benefit from these referrals.

Trauma & Recovery Training.


The Headington Institute strengthens “the well-being and effectiveness of humanitarian responders worldwide.”

Online resources and training; organizational coaching and counseling.

The Genesis Process provides a Biblical and neurochemical understanding of what is broken and causes our self-destruction.

Online Training, Church-geared Change Groups, Individual Counseling for all people

First Aid Arts provides “training and support to individuals and organizations who want to offer effective arts-based care to survivors of natural disasters, human trafficking, forced migration, domestic violence, homelessness, and other types of trauma.”

Online Free Covid-19 Toolkit for all people.

Spiritual Practices.


Pray As You Go Examen.

Guided examen and other daily prayer resources.

Lectio 365

Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life.

Lectio 365 is inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries.

Centering Prayer

The Centering Prayer mobile app supports one’s daily prayer practice. Beautiful, elegant and peaceful, the app includes an adjustable timer, as well as opening and closing prayer options that may be read before and after Centering Prayer.

Self Assessments.

Frequently used in soul care appointments


ProQOL assessment

The ProQOL is the most commonly used measure of the negative and positive affects of helping others who experience suffering and trauma.

The ProQOL has sub-scales for compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue.


Codependency Self-Assessment

Are you wondering if you may have a issues with codependency? Answer the questions honestly and press Submit for results.


F-A-S-T-E-R Scale

This is a relapse prevention tool used to understand what behaviors keep you in recovery and what lead to relapse.

Attachment Styles

“People vary considerably in how secure or insecure they feel in their relationships with others. For example, some people might feel relatively secure in their relationships with others, whereas other people might be more concerned about whether others truly care about them.”

Psychologists refer to these individual differences as attachment styles. Click the left image to take an assessment that is “designed to assess your attachment styles across some of your close relationships.”

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